Every year we throw a holiday party… in January.
“We do it to blow off steam and get everyone together,” says Carl Roedel, CEO and co-Founder of Future Link, “Everyone gets to meet the wives and kids.”
Why January? Because: Family first. The holiday season is already busy for our team, with the inevitable snafus and time-intensive technology needs during many of our clients’ busiest season. The company doesn’t want to further take team away from family during precious holiday time.
Because here’s the thing: the team at Future Link isn’t just one big family; our clients and our network—including you, dear reader—are a part of our extended family.
It’s why many of our clients and contacts have been with us for years—some even dating back to before the formation of Future Link, meeting Marty Mingl, President and co-Founder, when he was still a technician. Admiring Marty’s work ethic and dedication, they remain mentors, clients and connections to this day.
It’s why we camp out at a customer’s site for as long as it takes to solve the problem. “One year, one of our clients needed round-the-clock help from multiple technicians over Thanksgiving weekend,” reminisced Chris Higgins, Sales Manager. The manufacturer, maker of disposable aluminum roasting and baking pans, ubiquitous during the holidays, had a tech issue that brought their line to a screeching halt during their busiest time of year.
“We’ve always been approachable guys, in the trenches as part of the working team,” Carl explains. “If the team has an install and needs help, Marty will come in and talk to the owner, smoothing things out for the team—and he can still do the technical stuff.”
So, how do we celebrate in January? “The last couple years we hired a southern rock/country band. They were good,” said Roedel, himself a musician. It’s not unusual for Carl himself to whip out his guitar at company parties.
Roedel added that the party isn’t just for Future Link insiders; besides families, some of their bigger vendors as well as local businesses are invited.
As part of our extended family, we want to wish you a happy holiday season.
And just like family, we’ve got your back. If an IT issue is cramping your holiday style, don’t let it stress you out. Schedule a call with one of our experts to see how we can help.