by Future Link | Mar 3, 2020 | Bandwidth, Blog, Business solutions, Internet, IT Solutions, Speed
Although you don’t have to switch your internet service provider (ISP) when you’re moving your home or business—since most ISPs will transfer their service to your new location for no fee—moving often provides the perfect opportunity to reevaluate the...
by Future Link | Apr 1, 2019 | Backups, Blog, Business solutions, IT Solutions, Software
As long as software programs keep changing, companies will wonder if the expense of upgrading to the latest version is worthwhile. Is it better to migrate, implement, and customize the upgrade or is there a more competitive, ready-made program out there? That was the...
by Future Link | Apr 1, 2019 | Backups, Blog, Hardware, IT Solutions, Software
At Future Link, we know that backup storage is critical when it comes to protecting your business data. While we happily endeavor to meet your business needs every day by providing quality IT support, internet service, data management and software solutions, we’ve...
by Future Link | Mar 22, 2019 | Blog, Internet, IT Solutions
How much bandwidth does your business really need? If your answer to that question is, “As much as I can possibly get,” you’re playing right into the hands of (most) major Internet Service Providers (ISPs) – and, in the process, very likely overpaying. When it comes...
by Future Link | Mar 22, 2019 | Backups, Blog, Business solutions, Hardware, IT Solutions, Security, Software
Think back to the age before cell phones, when you’d have your closest friends’ phone numbers memorized, your business associates’ contact info in your Rolodex, and your most treasured family photos stored on a negative film strip in a secure storage box. Remember...