by Future Link | Oct 16, 2019 | Blog, Business solutions, Customer Service, Internet, IT Solutions, Security, Software
Most of us have grown wary and can recognize the most common scams in our personal emails—although, on average, these types of scams still cost victims an average of $2100 per event. Phishing emails are getting more and more sophisticated, however—and they’re...
by Future Link | Sep 19, 2019 | Blog, Business solutions, Customer Service, Internet, IT Solutions, Security, Software
Once upon a time, a firewall was just what it sounds like: a wall constructed to prevent fire from spreading from one part of a building to another. Nowadays, the more commonly understood definition is the computing one: “A network security system that monitors and...
by Future Link | Jan 10, 2019 | Blog, Hardware, Internet, IT Solutions, Security
“We need to focus on new technologies, because the solutions we envision today may be obsolete 10 years from now,” declared Nashville Mayor Megan Barry. She’s not alone in thinking so; mayors mentioned technology and data in 20% of their speeches in 2016, earning them...