IMG_1039Volumes have been written about employee productivity, what slows it and how to improve it; and in the manufacturing world, getting it right can make a significant impact on both employee production and your bottom line. As a result, many manufacturing businesses turn to implementing smart business practices and tools such as an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system.

An ERP is a company’s management system which uses a software application to incorporate all facets of the business and automate the flow of data between all back-office functions, including finance, distribution, inventory, human resources, sales, manufacturing and other operating departments When running smoothly, the ERP software is designed pinpoint inefficiencies, thereby improving workflow through streamlined processes and increased productivity.

As an IT consulting firm, we recognize that your business falls into one of two categories:

A)     You are currently running an ERP process

B)      You are struggling with processes and need help

Our IT support team can show you how an ERP program will help you, regardless of which situation you find yourself in.

  1. Product development: Launching a new product can wreak havoc on your bottom line if not done efficiently. You company needs to have tools available to assess quickly if it’s working on the right projects, collaborating effectively and integrating all departments in the best possible manner.
  2. Keep inventory under control: Inventory affects your bottom line so knowing what you need when and how much of it you need is crucial. ERP tools can evaluate usage, identify inventory gaps and integrate scheduling so that your money is spent when necessary and on the right products.
  3. Better financial reporting: Whether you’re in sales, accounting or human resource, having an ERP program that can assist with customer orders, standardize reporting, and pinpoint inaccuracies will ensure you spend less time reviewing numbers and more time building business opportunities.

Using an ERP system, by nature, integrates all areas of your business improving employee productivity and bottom lines. By having critical information stored in smoothly working system, everyone can work to their best ability and you can work with the confidence that people and money is not being wasted.